3/30/25 - The Temptation to Be Spectacular (Luke 4:9-13) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/23/25 - The Temptation to Be Powerful (Luke 4:5-8) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/16/25 - The Temptation to Be Relevant (Luke 4:1-4) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/2/25 - Family Service Sunday (Preparing for Lent) - Maddie Brooks
1/26/25 - Hospitality and the Mission of God (Luke 10:1-11) - Mike Han & Devina Shah (with Q&A)
1/19/25 - From Scarcity to Abundance (John 2:1-11) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
1/5/25 - Ponder in Your Hearts (Luke 2:41-52) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
FALL 2024
12/15/24 - Processing a Kairos (Mark 1:15-16) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
12/8/24 - Good News for All (Luke 3:1-6) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
11/24/24 - An Otherworldly Kingdom (John 18:33-37) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
11/17/24 - Do Not Be Afraid (Mark 13:1-8) - Rev. Ruth Correll
10/6/24 - Let the Little Children Come (Mark 10:13-16) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/22/24 - Prayer as Formation Pt. 1 (Luke 11:1-3) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/15/24 - Who is This Man (Mark 8:27-38) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/8/24 - Jesus and Our Full Humanity (Mark 7:31-37) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/25/24 - The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/18/24 - Missional Axiom 7: We Learn Love Through Embodied Participation - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/11/24 - One New Humanity (Ephesians 2:11-22) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/4/24 - Missional Axiom 6: The Goal of Discipleship is Divine Union - Mike Han (with Q&A)
7/14/24 - Missional Axiom 5: What God Does Through You He Also Does In You - Mike Han (with Q&A)
7/7/24 - Family Service Sunday (The Parable of the Sower) - Phoebe Jones
6/30/24 - Fear vs Faith Pt 2 (Mark 5:21-43) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/16/24 - Embrace the Mystery (Mark 4:26-34) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/9/24 - Missional Axiom 4: God Cares About It More Than You - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/2/24 - Family Service Sunday (The Good Shepherd) - Phoebe Jones
5/19/24 - The Holy Spirit is Our Advocate (John 15 & 16) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
5/12/24 - Missional Axiom 3: God Meets Us in Reality - Mike Han (with Q&A)
4/21/24 - The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/10/24 - Missional Axiom 1: God is Always Present and at Work - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/3/24 - Family Service Sunday (The Faces of Easter) - Phoebe Jones
2/11/24 - Completion of Merger and Pastoral Installation Service - Rev. Howard Burgoyne
1/14/24 - A Call to Discipleship (Matthew 11:28-30) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
12/10/23 - Remember Your Baptism (Mark 1:1-8) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
FALL 2023
11/26/23 - Don’t Be a Goat (Matthew 25:31-46) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
11/12/23 - Ready, Set, Wait (Matthew 25:1-13) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
11/5/23 - Family Service Sunday - King David’s Story - Phoebe Jones
10/29/23 - Questions, Questions, Questions (Matthew 22:34-40) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
10/22/23 - Image and Belonging (Matthew 22:15-22) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
10/15/23 - The Way of Wisdom (Philippians 4:4-9) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
10/9/23 - Family Service Sunday - The Promised Land (Joshua 1-4) - Phoebe Jones
10/1/23 - More Than the Omnis (Philippians 2:-1-11) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/24/23 - It’s Not Fair (Matthew 20:1-16) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/10/23 - Life Together (Matthew 18:15-20) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
9/3/23 - Family Service Sunday (The Exodus Story) - Phoebe Jones
8/27/23 - Who Is This Man (Matthew 16:13-20) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/20/23 - Already But Not Yet (Matthew 15:21-28) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/13/23 - Being Human-Sized (Matthew 14:22-33) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
7/30/23 - Breaking the Cycle (Genesis 12) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
7/23/23 - The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
7/16/23 - Inductive Study (Luke 10) - Maddie and Ryan Brooks
7/2/23 - Remember That God Remembers (Genesis 6-8) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/25/23 - Normalize Repentance (Genesis 4) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/18/23 - Lessons from the Garden (Genesis 3) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/11/23 - Creation Part II (Genesis 2) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
6/3/23 - Formed and Filled (Genesis 1:1-31) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
4/30/23 - Covenant Affirmation #6: The Reality of Freedom in Christ - Mike Han (with Q&A)
4/23/23 - Covenant Affirmation #5: A Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit - Mike Han (with Q&A)
4/16/23 - We Say We Believe, But What if We Really Believed? (John 20:19-31) - Kathy Kinzer-Downs
4/9/23 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered: The Resurrection (John 20:1-18) - Kathy Kinzer-Downs
3/26/23 - Covenant Affirmation #4: The Church as a Fellowship of Believers - Mike Han (with Q&A)
3/12/23 - Covenant Affirmation #3: A Commitment to the Whole Mission of the Church - Mike Han
2/26/23 - Covenant Affirmation #2: The Necessity of the New Birth - Mike Han (with Q&A)
2/12/23 - Covenant Affirmation #1: The Centrality of the Word of God - Mike Han (with Q&A)
1/29/23 - The Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-10) - Mike Han (with Q&A)
8/14/22 - Inside Out Christianity (1 Thess 1:1-4) - Rev. Barbara Ettinger
7/3/22 - We’re on a Co-Mission With God (Luke 10:1-11) - Mike Han
6/19/22 - Through Fear and Out the Other Side (Luke 8:26-39) - Mike Han
6/5/22 - The Medium Really Is The Message (Acts 2:1-21) - Mike Han
5/22/22 - Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing (Acts 11:1-18) - Mike Han
3/6/22 - The Deeply Formed Life 5: Interior Examination for a World Living on the Surface - Mike Han
2/20/22 - The Deeply Formed Life 3: Racial Reconciliation for a Divided World - Mike Han
2/6/22 - The Deeply Formed Life 1: Contemplative Rhythms for an Exhausted Life - Mike Han
1/16/22 - Obedience to Jesus Leads to an Abundance Mentality (John 2:1-11) - Mike Han
12/19/21 - Recognizing the Formation of Christ in Others (Luke 1:39-45) - Mike Han
12/5/21 - Refinement for Our Good (Malachi 3:1-4) - Mike Han
11/21/21 - Inductive Study of John 18 - Maddie and Ryan Brooks
11/7/21 - Blessings, Gratitude and Giving (Matthew 5) - Phoebe Jones
10/10/21 - The Santa Claus Problem (Hebrews 4:12-16) - Mike Han
8/22/21 - The Fruit of the Spirit (John 15 & Gal 5:22-23) - Phoebe Jones
7/4/21 - The Plan That Makes Sense of Our Plans (Ephesians 1:3-10) - Mike Han
5/23/21 - Pentecost Sunday (Imaginative Prayer) - Phoebe Jones
5/16/21 - Gathered and Scattered (& Church Update) (John 17:6-19) - Mike Han
5/9/21 - Obedience to Jesus Means Joyful Participation (John 15:9-17) - Mike Han
4/18/21 - Have You Anything to Eat? (Luke 24:36-43) - Mike Han
3/28/21 - Jesus Enters Jerusalem (John 12:12-16) - Phoebe Jones
3/21/21 - You Rest Because You Are Loved (Exodus 20:1-17) - Mike Han
2/21/21 - Redemptive Love Trumps Redemptive Violence (Genesis 9:8-13) - Mike Han
2/14/21 - Without God We Cannot, Without Us God Will Not (2 Kings 5:1-14) - Mike Han
1/31/21 - IVCF at George Mason University (Jeremiah 29:4-7) - Ryan and Maddie Brooks
1/10/21 - Exposure for Healing’s Sake (Genesis 1:1-5) - Mike Han
1/3/21 - Prophetic Imagination (Jeremiah 31:7-14) - Mike Han
FALL 2020
12/27/20 - Lessons from Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:22-38) - Mike Han
12/6/20 - Repentance is the Best Possible News (Mark 1:1-8) - Mike Han
11/29/20 - Things Are Not Only As They Seem (Mark 13:24-37) - Mike Han
11/22/20 - We Learn Love Through Embodied Participation - Mike Han
11/15/20 - The Goal of Discipleship is Divine Union - Mike Han
11/8/20 - What God Does Through You He Also Does In You - Mike Han
10/25/20 - God Keeps His Promises (Genesis 28:10-22) - Phoebe Jones
9/27/20 - The Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32) - Phoebe Jones
9/20/20 - The Kingdom of God Isn’t Fair - That’s the Point (Matthew 20:1-16) - Mike Han
9/6/20 - Membership and Leadership Conversation (Matthew 18:15-20) - Mike Han
8/30/20 - Know and Experience Life with God (Psalm 63:1-6) - Jacob Knepper
7/26/20 - We Are God’s Treasure (Matthew 13:44-46) - Julia Wu
7/19/20 - Precious and Honored (Isaiah 43:1-4) - Phoebe Jones
6/14/20 - Ambassadors of the King (Matthew 9:35-10:6) - Mike Han
5/31/20 - Rivers of Living Water (John 7:37-38) - Phoebe Jones
4/26/20 - The Re-Instatement of Simon Peter (John 21:1-19) - Phoebe Jones
4/5/20 - The Temptation to Be Powerful (Matt 4:8-11) - Mike Han
3/8/20 - The Temptation to Be Spectacular (Matt 4:5-7) - Mike Han
3/1/20 - The Temptation to Be Relevant (Matt 4:1-4) - Mike Han
2/16/20 - Intervarsity at George Mason University and God’s Covenant Love (Gen 15) - Matt McCrory
1/19/20 - The Path to Transformation (John 1:35-42) - Mike Han
FALL 2019
12/8/19 - The Kingdom of Heaven is Near (Matt 3:1-12) - David Tassell
11/17/19 - It’s the End of the World As We Know It (Luke 21:5-19) - Mike Han
11/10/19 - Asking Better Questions (Luke 20:27-38) - Mike Han
11/3/19 - God’s Kindness Leads Us To Repentance (Luke 19:1-10) - Mike Han
10/20/19 - A Jerk Judge and a Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8) - Mike Han
10/13/19 - Religion or Relationship? (Luke 17:11-19) - Mike Han
10/6/19 - Lament and Justice (Hab 1:1-4; 2:1-4) - David Tassell
9/29/19 - Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina (Matt 11:28-30) - Mike Han
9/8/19 - The Cost of Discipleship (Luke 14:28-33) - Mike Han
8/25/19 - Kids Table/Ministry Update - Phoebe Jones and Mike Han
8/18/19 - Setting the Table Part 3: Great Co-Mission (John 15:15-17) - Mike Han
8/11/19 - Setting the Table Part 2: Authentic Community (John 15:12-14) - Mike Han
8/4/19 - Setting the Table Part 1: Holy Communion (John 15:1-11) - Mike Han
7/21/19 - Finding Holy in the Suburbs Part 5 (Jeremiah 29:4-11 & John 16:33) - Mike Han
7/14/19 - Finding Holy in the Suburbs Part 4 (Luke 24:28-35) - Mike Han
7/7/19 - Finding Holy in the Suburbs Part 3 (Mark 1:9-15) - Mike Han
6/23/19 - Family Service Sunday - Mike Han and David Tassell
6/16/19 - Finding Holy in the Suburbs Part 2 - David Tassell
6/9/19 - Guest Speaker: Kathy Kinzer-Downs (Freedom Covenant Church)
6/2/19 - Finding Holy in the Suburbs Part 1 (Exodus 32:1-6) - Mike Han
5/19/19 - Hearing the Voice of Jesus (John 10:22-30) - Mike Han
5/12/19 - Belonging and Believing (John 10:22-30) - Mike Han
4/28/19 - Family Service Sunday - David Tassell and Mike Han
3/24/19 - Kids Table and Women’s Bible Study Update (Mark 9:37)
3/17/19 - Jesus and Healing (Luke 13:31-35) - Mike Han/Caroline Strunk
3/10/19 - The Way of the Cross (Matthew 16:24-25) - Jacob Knepper
2/24/19 - Family Service Sunday - David Tassell and Mike Han
2/10/19 - What Are You Toiling For? (Luke 5:1-11) - Mike Han
2/3/19 - Be Present (1 For 11:17-34) - Rev. Devyn Chambers Johnson
1/27/19 - You Are Needed, We Are Needed (1 Cor 12:12-31) - David Tassell
11/18/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 7 (Rule of Life and Conclusion) - Mike Han
11/11/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 6 (Daily Office and Sabbath) - Mike Han
10/21/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 4 (Journey Through the Wall) - Mike Han
10/14/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 3 - (Going Back in Order to Go Forward) - Mike Han
10/7/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 2 (Know Yourself That You Might Know God) - Mike Han
9/30/18 - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Pt 1 (The Problem of Unhealthy Spirituality) - Mike Han
8/19/18 - Hill City Church Sharing - Jeff Saferite et al
7/22/18 - Healthy Missional Church (Eph 2:1-10) - Jason Condon
6/17/18 - The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-34) - Jeff Saferite
6/10/18 - The Parable of the Friend at Midnight (Luke 11:1-13) - Mike Han
5/20/18 - Pentecost Sunday (Genesis 11; Acts 2) - Jeff Saferite
2/11/18 - The Way of the Cross (Col 1:15-20) - David Tassell
2/4/18 - Bearing Fruit in the Shadow of the Empire (Col 1:1-14) - Mike Han
1/21/18 - Learning the Way of Jesus III (Mark 4:35-41) - Mike Han
1/7/18 - Learning the Way of Jesus I (Mark 4:1-20) - Mike Han